Friday, February 24, 2012

Remembering Rainbows -- Genesis 9:1-17

I was in 5th grade when the Children's Choir at Warren FUMC put on a production of the musical "100% Chance of Rain." Three guesses what it was about... the first two don't count. One of the props was a giant rainbow made, I believe, out of styrofoam. After the performance, the rainbow was stored for a time in the hallway between the choir room and the dining room, propped up behind racks of tables. It was a bit out of place, but a wonderful prompt for warm memories of all the fun we had doing that show. Truth be told, I can probably still remember many of the words to many of the songs... "Now the Lord was unhappy with the people of the earth, they were not what they ought to be and not what they're worth, they were mad and ugly and mean as they could be and the Lord had to clean things up as you will see..."

The rainbow is to be a mark of God's covenant with Noah, and with all of us. Never again will the world be swallowed in an all-consuming flood. It's a reminder... for us, and maybe even for God. "When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh." God must have known that we would continue to disappoint, to frustrate, to drive to distraction. Just like my friend who has a picture of her little boy on her desk at work (okay, chances are I have several friends with pictures of their sons on their desks... this particular friend talks about how that picture serves as a reminder of the importance of her job, when she might perhaps otherwise be persuaded to say something she might regret). It is good to be reminded of the promises we have made. Particularly promises meant to be kept. Are there any other kinds, really?

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